Toni Halleen is President and Founder of Fun with Law. She has been teaching and training professionals since 1989, during which time she has also been an improvisation performer. She has combined her talents into a new approach to professional development. Toni’s “Think on The Spot”™ seminars are presented across the country, and are designed to build listening, thinking, communication, team-building, and presentation skills for professionals. Working with organizations, Toni makes training more fun and engaging, and also works as a communications coach to help individuals and teams to be more effective under pressure.
Toni is the Chief Operating Officer and co-owner of Schaefer Halleen Law Firm in Minneapolis, an employment law firm advocating for the rights of employees in the workplace. Prior to taking her role at Schaefer Halleen in 2012, Toni practiced employment law for many years The General Counsel, Ltd., (the “GCL”).
Toni has also been an adjunct instructor a William Mitchell College of Law, and a sought-after and frequent lecturer in continuing legal education courses and at other events.
In 2003, Toni’s musical, “Soulless Bloodsucking Lawyers” was the Most Attended Show in the Minnesota Fringe Festival, and was voted Best Musical.
From 1997 to 2002, Toni was the Director of Employment Law for ADC Telecommunications, Inc., a multi-national corporation headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. While at ADC, Toni led the employment law team and advised the company on all aspects of employment law.
From 1989 to 1997, Toni practiced employment law with the Twin Cities law firm of Briggs and Morgan, P.A., where she advised employers in preventive practices and provided counseling in day-to-day employment law related matters as well as litigated claims. During that time, she also developed and facilitated training for companies, managers and employees in sexual harassment prevention, diversity, discrimination law, wage and hour law, and other topics.
Toni received her undergraduate degree from Mount Holyoke College, and her law degree with honors from the University of Minnesota.
A Little History on Toni Halleen

Toni Halleen
“Excellent! The course challenged me to do something that I’m not normally comfortable with, but it was useful and fun!”
-Meredith Forgosh
“Toni is a natural coach; she saved everyone when they stumbled.”
-Judith Cook