Let’s talk. Let’s email. Let’s do this!!! Contact Toni and her team to talk about your event, your organization, your coaching, your needs. Together we can design and customize a program that will make your retreat, meeting, or conference a great success, surprise the audience, and deliver a memorable learning event with many take-away tips and strategies for effectiveness at work, increased resiliency and creativity, energized teamwork and better communication. Book Toni now!
Fill Out This Form to Book Toni Halleen

Contact Toni
[email protected]
Let’s talk about the budget. Toni has standard pricing for workshops and presentations, which take into account factors such as the number of sessions, the length of the session(s), and the size of the audience. She also has special pricing for non-profit and government organizations. Whatever your budget, let’s talk and we can usually work it out. If travel is involved, Toni usually seeks reimbursement for basic travel expenses, such as airfare, meals and hotel, as applicable.